Original Series

Check our Original Characters.

Come in various different colors, events, style, and cosplaying various pop culture phenomenons


Special For You

You know what? we also can do custom design to your purchase. There'll be limit how much we can do, but you can always contact us to share your ideas!


What is it made of?

It is made of 100% printed resin, handpainted. So each of products are slightly different.

Is it ready stock?

YES and No. some models are ready stock while the others are made by order. Each product is made specifically for the customer, allowing for greater attention to detail and quality control.

Are you shipping Internationally?

Not at the moment. We need to ensure our products are ready for a long and safe journey, while we address any tax and shipping issues that may arise.

Are you giving free shipping?

YES! Currently it is free to all regions of Indonesia, and we are thinking about how to provide free shipping internationally.